January 19, 2006


First day of Spring Semester. My two classes meet Monday and Thursday (one additionally meets on Tues.) The annoying part of that is that there's three hours between classes. So I'm sitting here bored in a computer lab, blindly surfing the web. And, what's more, I barely got any sleep last night; I don't know why, I just couldn't sleep. It's early in the semester, I guess eventually this would be ideal time to do homeworks and stuff like that, but there's nothing to be done now other than the web and AIM buddies, and blogger.

January 11, 2006

You Left Your Blinker On, Idiot

How do you communicate to someone on the road that their turn signal keeps flashing for no good reason? If you beep at them, they don't know why you're honking. I've tried beeping and getting their attention and making some hand gesture but they probably thought I was some pervert. A few times, I've moved in front of the offending vehicle and started sympathetically blinking, but they didn't get it (and neither did I when someone did it to me). So, I've decided there needs to be some universally accepted sign to commuicate that "You left your blinker on." Whether we should decide on a hand signal, or maybe a special honk (how about three short beeps? "bip-bip-bip"?) , there needs to be some simple and easy way to say "Hey, dude; your signal's on."

January 05, 2006

Stop Means Stop

Happy New Year.
You know, I'm continually perplexed by gas station attendants who insist on "topping-off " my gasoline. The pump stops because the tank is full, but then you guys have to try to squeeze every little drop of gas in. What difference does it make? Okay, maybe you're trying to round it to a nice figure, an even dollar, or quarter; it's easier to make change. But I pay with credit card! You know that...I gave you my card and you already swiped it! Stop overloading my tank!