November 18, 2005


my elbow. Actually the muscles just above my elbow. I was lifing weights the other day. Something I never do. Maybe I overdid it, or maybe I aggravated it when I was carrying my keyboard case later that night. That's about 50lbs. To go weightlifting and then cart that monstrosity around in one hand. That's just right arm is fine. I don't think it was the wieghtlifting alone. So, I have limited use of my left arm which sucks because i'm a lefty.
I'll resume working parties at the Chantlicler next friday. Nice to have something to rely on. Never burn your bridges. I'll stick with Chanticler while I keep on searching for a worthwile a la carte bar job.
Just steer clear of national chains.

November 12, 2005

$ound Byte

this is an audio post - click to play

November 03, 2005

Just Troubleshoot Me

It could have been much simpler. I could have been creating Flash projects, or at least learning how to do it. Earlier today, I decide to dabble in flash. I've had Macromedia Studio for a while now. You know, that software multipack of Dreaweaver, Flash, Fireworks, and Freehand. I use Dreamweaver a great deal for making web pages. But today I decide to brush the virtual cobwebs and dust off of Flash. And there's this great quick tutorial which provides a wonderful introduction to the program. So, then I decide to try it out on my own. Starts off okay, but then there's an error message, and then a crash, so relaunch, then another crash, error message, etc...
So, then, I figured, I can unistall and reinstall. But where's the install disk? What the fuck did I do with the box of software? I never throw away my disks and all the software I ever buy is all together right here in a...well, okay, a pile...but at least it's all together; except for Macromedia Studio. The only hard copy of the program that I have is missing; so much for that. I'm stuck with a seemingly corrupt version of the program.

I just got back from another Wednesday open Mic at the Dancing Goat. Or it is just called “The Goat” now (new ownership)? I got there at 8pm and I am the 21st person sign up! They hadn’t even started and already they’re swamped. It seems the earlier I keep arriving, the later get to play. I hate closing the place every week. I’ve always admired those open mics that do a random drawing for playing order.