July 28, 2005


It's hard to unlearn old habits. I gave up on the Dvorak key layout. (See previous posts) It was inhibiting my typing speed, and I think it even started to bother my fingers. But who has the time to unlearn and relearn these things. So, I back to typing in the ergonomically unfriendly qwerty, as effectively as I ever was. In Dvorak, I was still hunting and pecking.

Our heatwave is over. It's healthy to venture outside now. Not that I haven't been out, in fact, I biked 12 miles in the 98° heat yesterday. It was quiet on the trails, only the die hards were out it seems. Like this lightning fast rollerblader who was ahead of me, and i never caught up to him. I always pass skaters. And he eventually pulls away from my sight; I catch up to him at the end where I turn back, and he's doing push-ups; for God's sake! Another person, a boy at most 13-years old, jogging like he does it every day. If I'm correct, and he went from the parking lot to the pond and back, he jogged almost 4 miles. (Hate to have his knees in 40 years.)

What a mess at the Dancing Goat last night. I went for open-mic night but ended up not playing. The host for the night was horrible. By 10:30, 10 acts had gone, I was #20. The open mic starts at 8pm, and the place closes at 11. The place was over-crowded and hot, I ended up losing any energy to play.

July 26, 2005


I can't write much these days. Maybe it's not that I can't; maybe i just don't. Maybe I don't give myself the permission to create. I have not completed a new song in two years; but strangely enough I managed to touch so many more people with my music during this time. And I get continued feedback that I should be writing for Broadway. (Where does one begin?) Mr. Borlo was a cool high school teacher I had. In my final grade report for my senior year, he wrote a comment stating his concern that I take too long to complete a written response. My writings could be very good, like how I would get an A on a paper done at home, but get C or D on a timed exam. He said I needed to keep practicing my writing and suggested keeping a journal or something like that. So, 14 years later, I'm blogging. I've also made a few failed attempts to start the Artist's Way, a book by Julia Cameron which is kinda sorta a recovery program for blocked creatives. Keeping up with it has been a problem. I block my own creativity. We all do.

July 23, 2005

You don't know Jack

Jack Daniels is not a Bourbon. It is a Tennessee Whiskey. Yet, some people (maybe you?) tend to think it is a bourbon. It says so on the website. Read the faq.

My state threw me for a loop yesterday. I get a notice that my New Jersey income taxes were underpaid. Somehow, the tax I owe was figured at double what it is supposed to be, and the amount withheld was said to be zero! And here I am all excited opening this envelope thinking it's my refund. It's an obvious mistake on their part, I just worry about all the bereauocracy, and the clueless tax agents, and all the touch-tone menus I'll have to deal with before I get my refund. I need a shot of Jack.